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Florr.io Community Wiki

Not to be confused with the talent of the same name.

Antennae are a legacy petal from florr.io. Unlike other petals, they will not orbit around the player, instead, they will attach themselves to the flower and will increase the user's FoV (Field of View, what the user can see on the monitor currently playing the game) by a certain amount. Antennae are dropped by Hornets, Roaches and Wasps.


Antennae consist of two thick and slightly curved lines, resembling antennae on the following mobs: Hornet, Mantis, Roach and Wasp. When equipped, Antennae will go on the top of the flower, making the flower look like it has their own pair of antennae.


Petal Stats
Rarity Obtainable? Extra Vision
Common No +11.1%
Unusual +16.6%
Rare Yes +25%
Epic +33.3%
Legendary +42.9%
Mythic +100%
Ultra +185.7%
Super +400%
Unique +900%

Unlike other petals, Antennae will not rotate around the flower. Instead, they will install themselves on top of the user's head, just like a Hornet's antennae. This means that they do not have the normal stats that other petals have, like damage, durability, and respawn time. Instead, Antennae's utility is to increase the flower's FoV significantly, allowing the user to see more areas of the map at the same time. As they don't count as a petal orbiting you, Antennae will also indirectly increase the distance between your petals in the petal orbit radius. Their effect isn't stackable, which means that using more Antennae at once in your build will not reward you with further FoV boosts. This is also applicable to the Antennae Talent. Antennae's FoV buff can override the Talent's buff if its value is higher, and vice-versa.



Mob Rarity Rare Epic Legendary Mythic Ultra
Rare 7.0
Epic 61.0 5.1
Legendary 34.9 63.0 2.0
Mythic 35.6 64.1 0.3
Ultra 94.0 6.0 0.02
Super 90.2 9.8


Mob Rarity Rare Epic Legendary Mythic Ultra
Rare 16.5
Epic 81.0 12.3
Legendary 7.2 87.7 5.0
Mythic 7.5 91.7 0.8
Ultra 85.6 14.3 0.05
Super 77.3 22.7


Mob Rarity Rare Epic Legendary Mythic Ultra
Rare 13.5
Epic 78.6 10.0
Legendary 12.2 83.7 4.1
Mythic 12.6 86.7 0.6
Ultra 88.3 11.6 0.04
Super 81.4 18.6


On certain days, Antennae can be purchased from the Shop.

Note: This table shows the amount of Stars that can be spent. Also, the stars can be awarded through challenges or purchases. For more information, go to this page: Stars

Petal Price
Rarity Cost
Legendary ★ 40
Mythic ★ 1000
Ultra ★ 30000
Super ★ 1500000


  • Seeing more of the map allows the user to spot potential dangers from further away (as its description implies), for example, particularly dangerous mobs (like Hornets themselves), big swarms, or high rarity mobs. If the user is wielding ranged petals, they may be able to land some snipes from afar without the mob seeing them (although it would likely aggro on them afterwards). They also allows the user to spot high rarity mobs (specially Super mobs) from a bigger distance for a chance to get their petal drops.
  • Antennae have no offensive or defensive attributes, so other petals must be used for that reason. Also, only use 1 Antennae at a time, since they do not stack with each other.
  • When you're an advanced player, swapping this as soon as you enter any kind of combat will help you thrive in both survival and farming. Overall, this means: Antennae are an utility petal you should usually wield, but they should be swapped out when fighting.
  • The Antennae Talent will most likely make Antennae obsolete, specially when it's cheaper than other petal vs Talent situations (e.g. Cutter vs Sharp Edges, or Magnet vs Magnetism). Early to mid-game players may still want to use Antennae in order to save their Talent Points for better Talents during early game.
    • Also, the Antennae talent does not stack with the Antennae, which means it will not increase your FOV even further.
  • For the purpose of this section, strategies present here mostly won't consider the existence of the Antennae Talent. Overall, it's better to use the Talent when you're very advanced into the game, unless you manage to obtain Super Antennae, which give a +400% FoV buff.


  • There are three mobs who drop Antennae: Hornet, Roach and Wasp. Each one of them have their own pros and cons, but keep in mind that better Antennae drop rates means that you'll have a harder time fighting said mob.
  • Hornets are the easiest on the list to kill, as they shoot missiles that travel in a straight direction. Garden is also the easiest scenario out of Garden, Jungle and Sewers, so farming Antennae from them isn't bad despite their drop chances. Bring ranged petals like Wing with you so you don't risk dying in close combat.
    • A valid strategy consists of killing Epic-Legendary or even Mythic Hornets, since they are pretty weak and provide decently rare Antennae, specially if you're having a hard time with Ultra zones such as Spiral. Zones that can be used for that strategy are: Dandelion Fields, the Ladybug zone, the passage leading to the Ladybug zone and the split path that is after the Ladybug zone. All of these zones have a high frequency of Hornets, whereas the former will mostly have Legendary and the latter ones will have Mythic ones.
  • Wasps are on the middle ground: not only due to the scenario, but also due to their zigzagging missiles. Aside from that, similar strategies applied to the Hornet can apply to the Wasp as well. The Mythic and Ultra mob arena are good for farming Antennae from a Wasp.
  • Roaches are the hardest among them all, represented by their decently good Antennae drop rates: not only Sewers can get very hard, but also Roaches are extremely quick if you don't deal with their HP. Bring glass petals like the Stinger to quickly deplete its HP, or Pincer to temporarily slow it down (and poison it as a bonus). The Ultra mob chamber is best for this.
  • No matter what mob you're farming to get Antennae, it might not be worth taking the risk, specially if you're an advanced player, who normally has an easy access to the Antennae Talent, which gives you the same effects of Antennae, except that it does not waste a petal slot (which you could use for any other petal for maximum efficiency) at the cost of some TP.


  • Antennae can be used to see where large groups of mobs are to avoid sending themselves to a mob swarm in their way, especially Hornets. They can be used against clumps of rarer mobs in a similar way, although Antennae become more obsolete the more you advance in the game.
    • A crucial thing to note is how Antennae give you a greater horizontal Field of View than the Hornets' own FoV. However, this fact is only applicable if the Hornets you're combatting are at an equal or lower rarity than currently equipped Antennae.
  • Antennae will also help you spotting a wild Bumble Bee running around, so you can dodge one accordingly, avoiding losing a lot of HP and even dying. The same can be applied to spotting Spiders from afar to avoid getting ambushed by them.


  • Antennae strategies for the Garden zone will be massively buffed in Desert, as not only swarms are more frequent, but also lots of dangerous situations can be spotted from afar before you partake into them.
  • Desert Centipedes are difficult to chase. Using Antennae can let the user better track their movement so they can kill them, as well as avoid one to be hit by one, which could spell danger on you.
    • This is also valid for spotting Sandstorms, as if they happen to ram you, they'll usually deplete a good portion of your HP, which may cause your death.
  • Antennae can also be used to spot the rare Shiny Ladybugs wandering around Desert, so you have a chance to get Yggdrasil. Mythic+ Ladybugs are recommended as they have a 100% chance of dropping the petal, though killing all of them that are Legendary+ is advised for this.


  • Antennae users can stay well out of a Jellyfish's reach while still hitting them with ranged petals like Carrots or Wings without worrying to get hit by a lightning discharge. However, their aggro range is big, which means they'll be chasing you even if they supposedly can't see you, meaning you have to go very far away from them to not target you anymore. This might lead to more mobs aggroing onto you.
  • Antennae will also help its user to spot Leeches from afar, as they can aggro from you further than you can see normally. With an Antennae, you can prepare to fight a Leech without risking getting ambushed by one.
  • Specially in Crab Kingdom, big swarms of Crabs can also be avoided this way, as they can easily swarm you and kill you with their charge attacks.
  • Just like with Shiny Ladybugs, Antennae can be used to spot (mainly Ultra) Bubble mobs from afar for a chance of getting high rarity Bubbles, as they're useful for a lot of strategies, as well as some Airs, mainly to get a high rarity Coin from the Trader.


  • Antennae's main strategies for Jungle consists of a mix of what has previously been explained above with the Jungle's mobs. As an example, strategies for fighting Wasps should be the same as fighting Hornets in Garden.
  • As a bonus exclusively for Jungle, one can use Antennae inside of Termite Mounds if they're having trouble in finding the remaining Termites after killing the majority of them.



  • One can use Antennae to prepare themselves against Hel mobs who might be wandering around your spot, since their aggro range is bigger than normal, as well as to avoid spots where a lot of Hel mobs are present.
  • Antennae can also be useful if you want to spot Gamblers quickly, as they're pretty rare, and their drop rates for all of their petals (which are Card, Chip, Corruption and Dice) are good and decently wanted around the meta.

PvP: Using[]

  • Being able to see farther allows the user to spot large amounts of players whom they can attack or avoid, letting them last longer and dominate Hel more efficiently.
  • Antennae occupies a petal slot when equipped, reducing the user's strength when fighting with others. It should be noted that the Antennae Talent is better if you're going to use extra FoV to your strategies, as it doesn't the require usage of one petal slot, letting you use more petals directed to attack or defend during PvP.
  • Since the user's FoV will differ from other players' FoV, it can be difficult for the user to judge when other players can see them.
  • It's advised to change your Antennae to something else when in combat, and get back to Antennae when all threats are neutralized.

PvP: Against[]

  • Since Antennae require 1 less petal in combat, they will make the user more vulnerable while fighting, unless they are switched out or the downside is mitigated, which is normally the case for Antennae users.
  • People fleeing should keep in mind that an Antennae user may be able to see them even if they appear to be offscreen for you, as their FoV is greater than yours. As a result, it may be hard to judge whether or not the other person can see you or not. Try using Antennae yourself to reduce/remove the FoV difference between each other.

Ant Hell

  • Being able to see farther away will give you an edge in looking for Mythic+ Ant Egg mobs, Fire Ant Eggs and/or Termite Eggs in Egg spawns and/or Ultra Ants/Termites in Mythic chambers, as well as to avoid dangerous high rarity swarms and to keep a distance from Queen Ants, Queen Fire Ants and Termite Overminds.
  • Antennae are not particularly needed on this zone, as the FoV boost doesn't show a lot of extra field, as well as none of the mobs here are pretty hard to take for you to avoid them.


  • Just like with Ant Hell, Sewers doesn't have a lot of field to be revealed by Antennae, so one might find the petal useless in this scenario.
  • Antennae can still be used to spot Flies and Moths from afar, as their behavior could catch you while you're not paying attention, severely damaging or even killing you.



  • Antennae were added on the February 19th, 2020 update. Thus, they belong to the legacy florr.io era.
  • Antennae are the subject of one Achievement: the "All-seeing" Unusual Achievement, granted to you once you equip Antennae of any rarity for the first time.
  • Antennae's description implies that you can "sense foes farther away". This is a reference to in-real life insects, as some of them use their antennae to sense touch, air motions, heat, vibrations, smell, and taste.
    • To a lesser extent, Antennae also a reference to parabolic antennae, who sense radio waves and can send/receive them.
  • Antennae are the first petal in the game which are not actually used as a weapon of any kind, instead, they are an attachment to the flower. Cutter, Disc and Third Eye are the only other petals to do this.
  • Antennae, Fangs, Grapes and Peas are the only petals which are pluralized, rather than being singular. For example, Antenna is the singular form of Antennae.
    • Antennae are the only one out of these that come from legacy florr.io (which is the reason they're first).
  • Antennae are the second petal which cannot deal any damage, with the first being Bubble, also a legacy florr.io petal.
  • Legacy florr.io Antennae used to be dropped at the Legendary rarity. Although they still are dropped by Hornets nowadays, now they are also dropped by Roaches and Wasps ever since the addition of Sewers and Jungle in the game.
    • Their appearance resembling a Hornet's antennae not only references their legacy state (they were only dropped by Hornets) but also implies that, when a Hornet dies, their antennae detach from their body, being usable by flowers upon the Hornet's death. It is also implied that the same thing happens with Roaches and Wasps.
  • Antennae were the first petal whose Super rarity variation was first obtained by someone who crafted it, instead of a purchase from the Shop.
  • It should be noted that all mobs who drop Antennae have particularly long antennae themselves (equal to the size of the petal itself).
    • Also, it seems that Antennae themselves are the one who give Hornets and Wasps a higher FoV at higher rarities.
    • For apparently the same reason, Bees and Bumble Bees (as well as other mobs who wield the same antennae as them) don't drop this, as their antennae are small and curved on their ends. However, Mantises don't drop Antennae, despite having them like Hornets, Roaches and Wasps (likely because another mob in Jungle already drops Antennae, which is Wasp).
Air (Common) Amulet (Common) Ankh (Common) Antennae (Rare) Basic (Common) Basil (Mythic) Battery (Common) Blueberries (Common) Bone (Common) Bubble (Common) Magic Bubble (Common) Bulb (Common) Bur (Common) Cactus (Common) Magic Cactus (Common) Card (Rare) Common Carrot Poker Chip (Common) Claw (Common) Clover (Common) Coin (Common) Compass (Ultra) Coral (Common) Corn (Common) Corruption (Ultra) Cotton (Common) Magic Cotton (Common) Cutter (Common) Dahlia (Unusual) Dandelion (Unusual) Dice (Common) Disc (Common) Ant Egg (Common) Beetle Egg (Common) Fang (Unusual) Faster (Common) Fragment (Mythic) Glass (Common) Grapes (Common) Heavy (Rare) Honey (Rare) Iris (Unusual) Jelly (Common) Leaf (Unusual) Magic Leaf (Unusual) Light (Common) Lightning (Unusual) Lotus (Common) Magic Eye (Mythic) Magnet (Rare) Mark (Common) Mimic (Ultra) Missile (Unusual) Magic Missile (Unusual) Mecha Missile (Mythic) Mjolnir (Unique) Moon Rock (Ultra) Nazar Amulet (Common) Orange (Unusual) Mana Orb (Common) Pearl (Unusual) Peas (Common) Pincer (Unusual) Plank (Common) Pollen (Unusual) Poo (Unusual) Mysterious Powder (Rare) Privet Berry (Unusual) Relic (Unusual) Rice (Common) Rock (Common) Root (Common) Rose (Common) Rubber (Common) Salt (Unusual) Sand (Common) Shell (Common) Shovel (Common) Soil (Common) Sponge (Unusual) Square (Common) Starfish (Unusual) Mysterious Stick (Epic) Magic Stick (Epic) Stinger (Common) Blood Stinger (Common) Magic Stinger (Common) Talisman (Common) Third Eye (Mythic) Tomato (Common) Uranium (Rare) Web (Unusual) Wing (Common) Yggdrasil (Legendary) Yin Yang (Rare) Yucca (Unusual)