This page contains builds meant for Ocean. Builds meant for other scenarios can be accessed via this page. All of these builds are fan-made, and they have not been 100% tested to see if they work as intended. ===Build Name=== :''"Slogan (optional)"'' *'''Petals Used:''' (required) *'''How it Works:''' (required) *'''Strengths:''' (required) *'''Weaknesses:''' (required) *'''Variations:''' (optional) *'''Tip:''' (optional) *'''Author:''' (required) Then press edit and paste this text at the bottom of the page. Le worm smash[]
Runaway Poison[]
- Petals Used: Bubble x4 or x5(R+), Iris x2(R+), Rose/Leaf x1(E+), Yin Yang x1(R+)
- How it Works: Helps you escape from Leech, Crab, Starfish or Shell while poisoning them
- Strengths: Good for escaping
- Weaknesses: You might miscalculate the bubbles and dash towards the attacker
- Variations: If you don't have Iris, you could use other high damage petals like Stinger or Missile. If you don't have Yin Yang, replace it with Web
- Tip: If you don't have a Loadout Talent, you could minimize the petal number
- Author: Eyellstaun
"I'm smashing every ocean mobs ! "
- Petals Used: L+Disc, U+Bone, U+Wing, U+Wing, M+Magnet, M+Dandi, L+Rubber, M+Starfish, M+Leaf/M+Rose
- How it Works: Disc prevents you from being killed on crashing a crab or some of higher rarities, Rubber prevents you from being constantly damaged by mobs, Starfish with Leaf or Rose heals you quickly, Bone shreds bubbles, sponges and low rarity jellies, wing deals most of the damage, Dandi helps dealing with starfishes, and Magnet picks.
- Strengths: Almost all M- Ocean Mobs when grinding on your own and all U- Ocean mobs if squading with 2+ people
- Weaknesses: soloing U crab, U Leech or fighting any Supers with under 5 people together
- Variations: Disc to any healing petal or Fangs, Bone to High rarity Jelly
- Tip: NEVER SOLO U LEECH EVER AT OCEAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Author: Polarise1
Crabby Batty[]
- Build: 3 jellies of legendary+ rarity placed evenly around the flower. 3 stingers (you can replace one with a claw) placed next to the jellies. 1-2 fangs (you can replace with a faster if needed) 2 pincers OR 1 web(last slot isn't needed)
- How it works: jellies are for knocking back beefy crab boi, stingers are for damage, fangs for heals, web and pincer for even more survivability
- Strengths: Crabs that are Mythic Rarity and below
- Weaknesses: Ultra Crab
- MiniHeckler ;)
budget Star Fish[]
- Build: 2 iris/can be subbed out for sand or light or even pincer. 1 dandelion 1 claw/stinger 1/2 fasters depending on rotation skill. use a burr if you are only using 1 faster. 3 sand/light third eye if you have one 1 fang.
- how it works: iris because poison slows down healing and it's easier to get rather than sands or lights. Dandelion for extra heal slow down. Since you don't have much dps use a claw. Fasters boost the sand.
- Strengths and weakness: Mythic starfish are easier to kill. Doesn't stand too well against massive waes at once :] )
- Primary Build: M+Fang, M+Honey, L+Faster, M+Stinger/M+Rock, M+Fang, M+Leaf, M+Fang, M+Stinger/M+Rock, M+Basil(If no Basil use another Leaf or Fang) L+Magnet
- Secondary Build: (Slot 2) M+Fang, (Slot 10) L+ Antenna
- How It Works: With the honey you press space and it lures leeches from farther away(I am recommending you use M+Honey because it attracts L-Leeches.) The extra M+Fang In slot 2 in build 2 Is if U+Leech spawns and "leeches" on to you. The L+Antenna in the secondary build kind of explains itself but if you are still confused, if no leeches are near and you are looking for some, equip it, when one comes switch back to L+Magnet.
- Strengths: You can kill mythic leeches while AFK and you shred through all levels of jellyfish with ease.
- Weaknesses: Pretty much everything else if your afk.
- Variations: If you wanted more mythic leeches to spawn then you could use a L+Clover instead of the M+Honey, any rarities under that just aren't worth using.
- Author: Yomama101( or Thatoneprogamer#8785(Discord)
Low level jellyfisher[]
"beat up jellyfish while low level!"
- Petals Used: Sponge, x4 stinger, x3 cactus, powder, rest are any healing items hopefully a good rarity of shell
- how it works: jellyfish will do very low damage to you and cactus will be extra padding so they do very little to no damage at all to you
- strengths: just jellyfish
- weaknesses: bad against pretty much anything else
Salty Corning[]
"jellyfish shred"
- Petals Used: corn, lightning, maybe salt, magnet recommended
- How it Works: corn shreds jellyfish, salt deflects jellyfish, lightning does lightning
- Strengths: jellyfish, leech because salt, jellyfish swarm
- Weaknesses: crabs
- Variations: use light or faster instead of salt
- Tip: try to damage crabs with your lightning
Crab Killer[]
"Mr. Crab, he didn't pay taxes"
- Petals Used: Magnet / (healing) / Faster / Faster / Jelly / [Heavy, Stinger] / M+ Stinger / Stinger / Stinger, 10th slot: Stinger. Secondary build slots: Powder / Antennae
- Weird why you need Antennae
- How it Works: When you see a big crab, swap your Magnet out for your Powder and your healing petal for Antennae. Keep the crab in your screen, and wait until it backs up and charges before quickly dodging its lunge attack. Swap out your Antennae again, and quickly hit it with all your Stingers before knocking it away with your Jelly and Heavy. Back off to avoid its lunge attack, and repeat until the crab is dead.
- What if you can't dodge Mcrabs? There's no point of these petals if you can already dodge. The powder is outdated so probably should change that to wing
- Strengths: Crabs, especially in the Crab Kingdom.
- This is just plain false
- Weaknesses: Ultra crab. The build also takes a lot of skill and quick reactions to use.
- If you can dodge you can kill him easily too. Problem is, you can't
- Variations: You could try to jank up the build by replacing the Stingers with Rice and constantly swapping out the Faster with a Yin Yang. It would lack good burst damage though.
- Sure if you're Nazar
- Tip: If possible, invest your Skill Points into Reload.
- Again, true
- Author: that creeper guy
Shell Killer[]
"Not an advertisement"
- Petals Used: Magnet / E+ (healing) / Stinger / Rare Uranium / Stinger / Powder / Stinger / [Faster, Clover] / Stinger. 10th slot: Stinger
- Bone bone bone bone bone bone. Where tf is it?
- How it Works: The Uranium attracts Shells while not doing too much damage to your flower, that's why it should be of Rare rarity. Stingers should take care of the Shells, but if they overwhelm you, run away with your Powder.
- Better tip, use U+ bone and bulb instead of uranium
- Strengths: Shells in East Waters S.
- "S"? Anyways, it's not really a strength, bones are better.
- Weaknesses: Ultra Shell can be dangerous if you don't take off your Uranium. Mythic shells don't spawn often there.
- True I guess.
- Variations: None
- Bone*
- Tip: If possible, invest your Skill Points into Reload.
- Reload metaaaaaaa.
- Author: that creeper guy.
The Pearlwheel[]
"Balls in yo jaws"
- Petals Used: Shell / Magnet / M+ [Pearl/Rock] / M+ [Stinger/Pearl] / M+ [Pearl/Rock] / M+ Stinger / M+ [Pearl/Rock] / M+ Stinger / Faster. 10th slot: [Leaf/Yucca]. Secondary slots: Yucca / Yucca / Yucca
- It's good but... where's the... BONEEEEEEEEEEE (and lightning)
- How it Works: Pearls kill Leeches while Stingers fend off Crabs and Starfish. Faster increases DPS. When fighting a Mythic Leech, quickly swap out your first three slots for Yuccas to tank some more damage. With this build, you don't even need to hold down the attack button, just walk around and shred everything around you.
- Works if you don't have bone.
- Strengths: Leeches
- Weaknesses: Ultra Leech, Mythic Crabs and Starfish (see the Crab Killer build on how to kill Mcrabs).
- Definitely true.
- Variations: Obviously, a full Pearl build is going to lack defense. Only 1 or 2 Pearls is recommended, and replace the rest with Rocks or Heavies. If you really abused the old Shell Zone but have no Mrocks/Mheavies, then using Pearls is fine.
- Man, I thought you were going to list bone for a second.
- Tip: Once again, upgrading the Reload skill is a great idea.
- Agreed.
- Author: that creeper guy
Electric Leech[]
"Goodbye Suckers!"
- Petals Used: Primary: 3 fangs, Several Lightning and a Magnet. Secondary: Rocks and healing petals. A Honey is optional.
- No bones just, why? (The rest is good though)
- How it Works: The lightning works very well on leeches as it strikes all of it's segments, dealing several times more damage than usual. The Fangs then heal you while you are attacking. If you see shells or other mobs then switch to rocks.
- Strengths: Leeches!
- Weaknesses: Crabs and Mythic Starfish
- Variations: Vary the number of Lightning and Fangs used. You can also use a Honey to attract Leeches towards you so you can eat them.
- That "eat them" part is kinda you know...
- Tip: Don't use Shell petal because fangs and shell don't work really well together.
- Amulet should work.
- Author: HCaterpillar
Jelly Fryer[]
"You're not getting me this time, jelly! I'm frying you for breakfast!"
- Petals Used: L+ Wing (1st slot) | L+ Wing (2nd slot) | M+ Stinger (3rd slot) | M+ Bubble / M+ Salt (4th slot) | M+ Stinger (5th slot) | M+ Stinger (6th slot) | Pringer Pinger* (Ulstinger) / L+ Magnet (7th slot) | L+ Wing (8th slot) | M+ Dahlia / Yucca / Leaf (9th slot) | Basil (10th slot) || Secondary: Bubble Build
- Dude, why do you need M+ stingers but not wings. What's the 1 bubble for that "has to be mythic" for no reason!
- How it Works: Wings can act as a great ranged-melee weapon when attacking jellyfish, since jellyfish can't attack you with lightning from a long range. If you really need to, go close to the jellyfish and strike it with the stingers, and try to not destroy the magnet in the process since it attracts jellyfish's lightning attack. Dahlia is also a good healing petal as when you are damaged too much, you can retreat with a secondary bubble build and use the dahlia to heal. Basil also increases the heal amount.
- Strengths: Jellies, Crabs, Shells
- Weaknesses: Leeches
- Variations: You can switch ALL the wings to a stinger and strike after the jellyfish has already striked once, and rush away with bubbles after so the jellyfish can't strike you. Repeat that again until jellyfish is dead.
- Bruh, just face tank like everyone else does.
- Tip: Upgrade your "reload" and keep switching the petal for faster spawning, ultimately making the magnet and bubbles more affective.
- Sounds like thatcreeperguy
- Author: TwilightMoon ( username)
Underwater Defribbilator[]
"Shockingly Healingly Damagingly good!"
- Petals Used: 2 Fangs, 4 Lightning and 4 Yucca (Better off Legendary+ Petals)
- Sure.
- How it Works: Yuccas give healing and medium damage, the fangs deal damage and heal you and finally, the lgihtning chains off the leeches and damages them a ton!
- Bone > lightning (for M+)
- Strengths: Leeches and Clusters of enemies.
- Weaknesses: Small number of mobs, Fast mobs, Desert Centipedes (Mythic+), Most bosses (except Ultra and Super leech if using Ultra/Super petal variants) and PVP (Untested)
- Variations: Replace the Yucca's with Basil and replace a lightning and a yucca with a fang (much riskier)
- Tip: This isnt as bad if you fight against Evil Centipede or Centipede BUT DO NOT FOR ANY REASON, USE IT ON A MYTHIC+ RARITY DESERT CENTIPEDE.
- You can bruh.
- Author: SubToHysleria ( Username)
Jellyfish Ripper[]
"Tears a mythic jellyfish in seconds!"
- Petals Used: 2-3 M Rice + M bur (optional) + 2 Magnets, Yin Yang in secondary but not under those petals; others: healing
- W shredding (magnet no longer acts as a shield for jellyfish :sob:)
- How it Works: Use bur to add damage, constantly switch Yin Yang on and off for high dps
- Strengths: Jellyfish not moving
- Weaknesses: Jellyfish running towards others, and basically every other Ocean mob
- Skill with rice kinda works?
- Variations: Add some ranged attack in the remaining slots to make it better against things like Mythic crab
- Tip: the Yin Yang stuff requires skill
- Yea, skill issue if you can't use it though.
- Author: littleflower (florr username)
Electric Leeches (Outdated)[]
"You've heard of electric eels, now get ready for Electric Leeches! (Similarities in Build Naming is purely coincidental)."
- Petals Used:
- Primary: Shell (1) | Lightning (2) | Magnet (3) | Lightning (4) | Fangs (5) | Lightning (6) | Bone (7) | Starfish/Passive Healing (8) | Fangs (9) | Antennae (10)
- Secondary: Any x3 (1-3) | Wings x3 (4-6) | Rice (7) | Rock/Stinger (8) | Any x2 (9-10)
- How it Works: [May not work due to 50% healing nerf, needs to be updated by Author] The primary deck is used to defeat leeches, and the secondary deck is used to deal with other mobs. The shell protects you against attacks. The healing petals protect you from leeches. Lightning does powerful damage against leeches, due to their multiple segments. The bone does good damage against the leeches and shells. The wings and Slot 8 do good damage against other mobs, swap them in when you aren't fighting leeches. Against a Mythic Leech, swap in the Rice, unless there are other Legendary Leeches swarming you. The 'any' petals can be used however you please, since I'm not sure how to. (This build needs above 5k hp to work properly, if you don't have that much hp, swap in a cactus for a lightning.)
- Strengths: Leech Zone.
- Weaknesses: Mythic Crabs and Starfish (Unless you have Ultra Wings or something). This build (probably, I've only tested it in Leech Zone) wont work against any other place too well, or against Ultra Leeches.
- 'Variations: Swap a petal for Third Eye (Antennae maybe) and/or change out Wings for another petal for crabs, starfish, etc. More variations are listed under 'Petals Used
- TE not OP.
- Tips: If there are too many powerful mobs, try to run to help (there are usually a couple people afk or farming). Also, you can upgrade your Health or Health regeneration to help with survivability and Reload or Petal Spin Speed for DPS
- Author: FloweryFate17 (Florr username)
Peanut butter and Jam[]
"don’t worry allergic people, no peanuts involved”
- Petals Used: M+ wing x2 M+ egg(ant recommended) M+ leaf x2 L+ faster M+ light antennae L+ sand L+ lightning
- No use beetle egg, why 2 eggs what is that for? Why 1 light with only 1 faster? What're the 2 leaves for? Healing? Use rose or dahila or something? This is probably the worst build so far.
- How it Works: wing for hitting far away targets, sand light and faster for dps (the starfish) the leaves for decent heal and good damage, the antennae so you can see mobs from further away, the lightning to take out multiple annoying jellyfishes surrounding you and the egg to do stuff for you(like remove health from crabs)
- Strengths: starfish, jellyfish, small swarms, shells and bubbles.
- Weaknesses: (Big crabs(the chunky ones) also dem large swarms of jellyfish
- High rarity*
- Variations: (idk, replace leaf with M+ jelly or egg with faster? Maybe make some mythics legendaries. Wing with missile
- Tip: nonexistent
- Author: Mr.JSAB
"Slurp slurp"
- Petals Used: Third Eye/2x faster/6x fangs/magnet
- How it Works: Third eye helps with range, fangs help heal like a leech, magnet is self-explanatory, fasters are for quicker burst healing.
- Strengths: leeches, bubbles, shell, jellyfish.
- TE is not good why do you need range? Fasters aren't needed, annnnnd you need to use bones
- Weaknesses: crabs and starfish
- Variations: could replace magnet or third eye with basils or more fangs
- No, don't replace magnet.
- Tip: do not fight u+leeches alone
- Author: superfood
Safe jellyfisherman[]
"Slowly but safety"
- Petals Used: M+ Cotton (1 slot), L+ Magnet(2slot), E+ Stinger (3slot), M+ healing petal (4slot), E+ stinger(5 slot), M+ cotton (6slot), E+ stinger (7slot), L+ Magnet (8slot), E+ stinger (9slot), M+ healing petal (10slot)
- Why E+ Stinger?
- How it Works: The Magnet (or Magnets) makes sure that you don't get take damage too much damage from Jellyfish, the Cotton makes sure that if you fight more than 2 Jellyfish, you still don't get any damage. The Stingers and the Wings do damage to the Jellyfish and the healing petals make sure that if you do get damaged somehow, you still don't die.
- You can still die and the Cotton must be perfectly timed.
- Strengths: (u seldom die) Can't fix what he's writing in here.
- I'm guessing that's "you can't die"? Literally cap.
- Weaknesses: When other players push Jellyfish with Jelly(The Petal) at you and you die from body damage. Also, MCRABS.
- Just avoid the jelly pushing at you. No problem.
- Tip: If you have M+ magnet you can replace one Magnet to Stinger if you have stronger DPS petals, you can also use them instead of Stinger if you have low rarity Magnets. Use this build in Jellyfish Fields, if you have no M+ Cotton you can use healing petals instead of Cotton
- I guess that's true.
- Author: raffy( username)
- This guy can't spell, well, I'm going to fix the grammar in here!
- Alright, now to double check that it's readable. Works, time to correct some stuff!
"HEY! don't touch me"[]
- Petals Used: (every jelly must be m+) jelly, magnet, M+ fang, m+ light, jelly, m+ faster, 2 jelly, fangs, m+ light,
- How it Works: jelly make distance. Faster ensures that jelly always hits the leech. magnet gives you your items. fangs heal you and do damage.
- Strengths: Leeches
- Weaknesses :Starfish(they don't kill you but can't kill them)
- Variations: If your light is better you can also use stinger instead of 1 or 2 jelly
- Tip: East Waters 6. when the leech sucks you. (this will happen a lot) press shift or right mouse button. When fighting M leeches press spacebar or left mouse button. When you don't have M+ Fangs DON'T USE IT, USE ANOTHER HEALING PETAL (I only have 1 M+ Fangs, I use M+ Yucca and M+ Fangs)
- Author:raffy( username)
- Aw man, I need to fix this guy's stuff again? Ignoring half of it.
The leecher[]
"Slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp"
- Petals Used: cutter lighting fangs lightning fangs lightning fangs lightning fangs magnet
- Cutter doesn't work like that if you didn't know.
- How it Works: Leeches are fast mobs made of multiple "segments" that share the same health. The first segment deals damage once per second while the other segments have NO DAMAGE COOLDOWN AND ARE CAPABLE OF DAMAGING 24 TIMES PER SECOND. So heavy corn jelly does not work. However, lightning works surprisingly well and is capable of dealing a total of damage, jumps damage to one single leech. Fangs is for healing yourself and cutter is to prevent leeches from healing. I know this sounds weird, but when the leeches suck onto you you are actually simultaneously dealing damage to the leech one time per second, so if your body damage is greater than the lifesteal of the leech the leech actually can't get anything from the lifesteal.
- I don't think so, but maybe.
- Strengths: Leeches
- Weaknesses: Crabs and jellyfish
- Variations: put in starfish and or basil if you aren't satisfied with the healing of the fangs.
- Tip: the cutter should not be more than 1 level lower than the leech's while the rest should be at least at the same level as the leech
Leeches are beaches
- Petals Used: wing/fangs/wing/fangs/leaf/fangs/basil/antennae
- How it Works: The fangs heal back the damage the leech does to you. The basil buffs the healing, and the wings and leaves do enough damage to kill the leeches when combined with the fangs.
- Strengths: M-leeches
- Weaknesses: Weak against everything else in this scenario.
- Variations: Replace the antennae with a 4th fang.
- Tip: Stay away from Ultra+ leeches.
- Author: Justin1209
- This is a lesser variant of the build 2 below, but more beginner friendly due to having 8 slots.
(Almost) Unleechable[]
“who the hell has that many basils and yuccas? ah right ant hell farmers”
- Petals Used: m+yucca/ m+yucca/ m+yucca/ m+yucca/m+yucca/m+basil/ m+basil/ m+basil/ m+basil/ m+basil (note: epic medic upgrade)
- How it Works: The yuccas will passively heal you for a total of 8160 hp/s (with epic medic upgrade + 5 basils)
- Strengths: Ultra or below Leeches
- Weaknesses: Super Leech, M+ Crab, M+ Starfish
- Variations: You can replace one of the yuccas/basils with a damage petal (Bone, Lightning etc) or a Dandelion.
- Tip: Retreat if you see an Mcrab or an Mstarfish approaching near you. Rely on others to finish off the Ulleech since it will still outheal your damage.
- Author: XKachi
Bye bye leech[]
"heality heality your loot is my reality"
- Petals Used: 1x M+ Basil, 1x M+ Antennae, 6x M+ Fang, 1x M+ Starfish, 1x M+ Lightning
- Secondary: light/poo/light/light/bubble x5/antennae
- How it Works: The 1st build is able to fend off Ultra and below leeches with ease. Swap the 1st antennae for the poo if you see the Ultra aggroed to you. The other build is used for fast travel. The poo is also helpful to prevent leeches from aggroing to you when bubbling. (must have legendary medic for this to work)
- Strengths: Ultra and below leeches.
- Weaknesses: A majority of mobs, just like the lesser variant (leeches are beaches)
- Variations: Use a mdandy if you see a mstarfish and the Uleech isnt leeched onto you.
- Tip: STAY AWAY FROM SUPER LEECH! unless you arent targeted (dont)
- Author: Justin1209
THE Deathwheel[]
"The one and only"
- Petals Used: Mythic Light and Rubber
- How it Works: It destroyes the Jellyfish without you being damaged.
- Strengths: Jellyfish, Shell, Bubble
- Weaknesses: Crab
- Variations: Use Third Eye
- 'Tip: Keep the rubbers alive
Don't Be Jelly[]
"Stops all the jellyfish from being shellfish with your puns."
- Petals Used: Magnet, Leaf, Sand, Faster, Leaf, Magnet, Sand, Faster, Leaf, Sand
- How it works: Magnet collects loot from farm away and also absorbs jellyfish lightning. The other magnet acts as a backup when the first magnet is destroyed. The spacing of the magnets makes sure that your flower is never between your magnets and the jellyfish, as sometimes, when that happens, you get zapped directly instead of the magnet. If you somehow take damage (ex: both magnets are destroyed), the leaves provide healing for you. Leaves prove to be a good combo of healing and damage, while sand is your main dps. The fasters make your sand hit the jellyfish more often.
- Strengths: Jellyfishes, Hordes of Jellyfishes, Ultra+ Jellyfish, Shells, perhaps Crabs if you are skilled enough to dodge
- Weaknesses: Bubbles (you can't reach it in time before another player kills it), Leech
- Variations: use fang instead of leaf, but keep in mind that the ultra jellyfish shockwave will destroy all your petals, so it will take some time for the fangs to recharge, and the ultra jellyfish main attack might kill you while its recharging. Basil is optional, but keep in mind that at least 3 healings are required for basil to be advantageous. Lightning can be used instead of sand in case of hordes.
- Tip: Try to stay away from crabs and let other players kill it for you. You can handle everything else with this build. Don't try to kill leeches. Try to have another stronger player provoke the ultra jellyfish, so that the main attack will attack the stronger player instead, allowing you to take less damage. Do not get (peanut butter and jelly) sandwiched by jellyfishes. Their body damage is pretty high, and their combined attacks will overwhelm your magnets and leaves.
- Author: a person who had to search google for the proper puns because the author couldnt come up with any, a.k.a. a polygon
Bye bye starfish[]
"Bye bye starfish have fun in hel"
- Petals Used: l+Fang, l+Fang, M+stinger, M+Rock/Pearl, E+rubber, L+Dandelion, M+Cactus, M+Leaf, M+Stinger, L+Magnet
- How it Works: The fangs heal you, while the stingers and rocks damage the starfish. Because starfish are the same speed as you, the rubber pushes you back when you get hit, and the cactus gives you extra health. The dandelion reduces the healing of the starfish. The leaf is for extra damage and healing.
- Fangs aren't the best DPS, it's good healing with talents but you need a lot of DPS to kill starfish. Cactus isn't even needed, it's just a waste of slots.
- Strengths: Starfish, Shells, Bubbles.
- Weaknesses: Random jellyfishes that jumpscare you
- Variations: You can replace the cactus with a soil and the stingers with tomatoes.1
- Tip: (optional)
- Author: kdh in game join his guild
- Ah, kdh that guy in Bad, welp, I'm TheLoafCat and I'm here to roast what you wrote.
===The Farmer===
:''"good at (almost) everything"''
*'''Petals Used:''' Primary Build: U+ Battery, M+ Rubber, M+ Dandelion, U+ Fangs, U+ Dahlia (swap with basil for leech), 2x U+ Dice, U+ Leaf, M+ Sponge, U+ Lightning
Secondary Build: 4x U+ Yucca, 2x M+ basil, M+ Sponge (same rarity as primary), 3x Ulightning
*'''How it Works:''' The battery and lightning will demolish mythic leeches and crabs that ram into you, whereas the dice will be used for DPS. Dandelion reduces the starfish healing factors. Rubber absorbs the lightning damage from Jellyfish, and the leaf, dahlia and fangs will be healing. The secondary build will be if a Ultra+ leech attaches itself to you. Lightning is supereffective against leech as it does lightning damage to each of the leech’s segments.
*'''Strengths:''' Anything but overwhelming swarms. Farming solo.
*'''Weaknesses:''' Swarms of Jellyfish
*'''Variations:''' replace dice with other DPS petals, (stinger? Sand). Make sure to relatively optimize.
*'''Tip:''' 2nd chance to mythic is best, although legendary works as well.
*'''Author:''' MythicDraGON (in game)