Florr.io Community Wiki
Florr.io Community Wiki

Garden is the original area in florr.io. It has a green background and features primarily mobs from only legacy florr.io, although there are still mobs that are not from legacy florr.io such as Bumble Bees and Dandelions.


Garden is the default spawn location for players. The spawn is located in the center of the map, above the sewer portal.


Garden connects to 6 areas, as shown on the World Map.

Area Connection Location
Sewers Center
Ocean Right center
Jungle Bottom right
Ant Hell Bottom center
Desert Bottom center
Battlegrounds Top (cannot be accessed without M28 help)


A total of 14 mobs spawn in Garden.

Ant Hole: Static mob that spawns Ants (Baby, Worker, Soldier, And Queen) when hit. Drops Soil and Shovel.

Baby Ant: Passive mob that wanders around, spawns both naturally and in Ant Holes. Drops Light, Rice and Leaf.

Bee: Passive mob that wanders around, dealing high contact damage when touched, Rare+ becomes aggressive when damaged. Drops Stinger, Pollen and Honey.

Bumble Bee: A rare passive mob that wanders around quickly, drops Pollen and Honey.

Centipede: Passive mobs that moves slowly with multiple segments, each counting as an individual Centipede. The frontmost segment will always be a head. Epic+ becomes aggressive when damaged. Drops Peas and Leaf.

Dandelion: A static mob which shoots dandelions at players upon taking damage. Drops Dandelion.

Digger: A friendly mob that has a 10% chance of spawning after any kind of ant hole is defeated. Can attack hostile mobs, and cannot harm players and other friendly mobs (such as Eggs)unless players uses Corruption. Drops Cutter and Uranium. Those who did sufficient damage to the ant hole will get loot from the digger.

Hornet: Aggressive Mob that wanders around, until it detects a Flower, in which case it starts shooting Missiles at the Flower (with a slight recoil) while keeping its distance. Rare- Hornets simply shoot at the Flower's current location, but Epic+ Hornets shoot at where the player will be upon collision, necessitating a change in direction. Drops Missile, Antennae, and Orange.

Ladybug: Passive Mob that wanders around. Rare+ become aggressive when damaged. Drops Rose and Light.

Queen Ant: Aggressive Mob that will follow a Flower until it gets out of range, in which case it wanders around its Ant Hole. Spawns in Ant Holes and the Ultra rarity spawns in Ant Hell every few minutes. Drops Ant Egg and Basil.

Rock: Static Mob. Drops Rock, Heavy and Moon Rock.

Soldier Ant: Aggressive Mob that wanders around, until it detects a Flower, in which case it starts following it. Can spawn both naturally and by Ant Holes. If it spawns by the latter reason, it can not go far away from its Ant Hole. Drops Glass and Clover.

Spider: Aggressive Mob that wanders around, until it detects a Flower, in which case it runs towards the Flower at a high speed. Drops Web, Faster and Third Eye.

Worker Ant: Neutral Mob that wanders around, becomes aggressive when damaged. Can spawn both naturally and by Ant Holes. Drops Leaf and Corn.

Special Zones[]

The bottom right circular room is an area where legendary bees spawn frequently.

The top right circular room is an area where legendary and mythic ladybugs spawn frequently.

The bottom left wall corridor is an area where legendary hornets and dandelions spawn frequently.

The long corridor from bottom left to top left is a mythic zone.

The top left spiral is an ultra zone. It is one of the most difficult zones in the entire world map.


See also: Builds - Garden




  • All mobs that are in Garden were in Legacy Florr.io except for Bumble Bee, Dandelion and Digger.
  • Spider spawning was removed in an unknown date but was readded back in April 12th 2024.
  • This is the second area to have the most mobs spawning at 14, only being beaten by Ant Hell with 16 unique mobs.
  • On December 25th, 2024, the Garden map was changed for a few days due to M28 throwbacks. As it was a temporary map, there were no checkpoints.
    • The path to Ant Hell used to be located at the top right of the map.
    • There was a secret part in the new Garden map, and was currently unknown how to enter due to invisible walls blocking players path (you can use Carrots or your speed decreases to know the walls). It was near to Ladybug zone entrance.
      • It might only be accessible by M28 teleporting you there.
      • This zone has been confirmed to be a new map, which is Battle Ground.
    • It was then reverted on 2nd January 2025.
Garden Desert Ocean Jungle Hel
Ant Hell Sewers Battlegrounds
Mob Areas
Ant Hole (Area) Worm (Area)