Light Bulb, shortened in-game to just Bulb, is a petal from Its function consists of attracting most nearby mobs. Their behavior doesn't matter, only if they're sentient or not. Bulb is dropped by Fireflies and Moths.
Light Bulb consists of a cartoonish light bulb appearance: it is circular with a dark gray handle with even darker borders. The lightbulb is yellow-colored, indicating that it's emitting light, and there are white lines zigzagging around inside the lightbulb, starting and ending on the base. During usage, Light Bulb will emit a yellow glow around its center, constantly increasing and decreasing in radius, bearing the same radius as Uranium's green glow.
Rarity | Obtainable? | Damage | Health | Respawn | Radius |
Common | Yes | 5 HP | 10 HP | 1 + 0.5 second | 300 |
Unusual | 15 HP | 30 HP | 600 | ||
Rare | 45 HP | 90 HP | 900 | ||
Epic | 135 HP | 270 HP | 1,200 | ||
Legendary | 405 HP | 810 HP | 1,500 | ||
Mythic | 1,215 HP | 2,430 HP | 1,800 | ||
Ultra | 3,645 HP | 7,290 HP | 2,100 | ||
Super | 10,935 HP | 21,870 HP | 2,400 | ||
Unique | 32,805 HP | 65,610 HP | 2,700 |
Light Bulb serves to attract all mobs that are in a certain radius from the petal. The size of the radius is dependant on Bulb's rarity. Attracted mobs will then follow you. It is able to provoke passive, neutral and aggressive mobs, but it can't attract non-sentient or stationary ones, like Cactus mob or Sandstorm. The aggro effect doesn't stack, meaning more Bulbs won't aggro mobs from further away. The aggro range pull works independently from the glow that Light Bulb emits, as the glow is only a visual effect.
Mob Rarity | Common | Unusual | Rare | Epic | Legendary | Mythic | Ultra |
Common | 59.8 | 16.4 | |||||
Unusual | 48.5 | 51.2 | |||||
Rare | 83.4 | 16.5 | |||||
Epic | 6.7 | 81.0 | 12.3 | ||||
Legendary | 7.2 | 87.7 | 5.0 | ||||
Mythic | 7.5 | 91.7 | 0.8 | ||||
Ultra | 85.6 | 14.3 | 0.05 | ||||
Super | 77.3 | 22.7 |
Mob Rarity | Common | Unusual | Rare | Epic | Legendary | Mythic | Ultra |
Common | 59.8 | 16.4 | |||||
Unusual | 48.5 | 51.2 | |||||
Rare | 83.4 | 16.5 | |||||
Epic | 6.7 | 81.0 | 12.3 | ||||
Legendary | 7.2 | 87.7 | 5.0 | ||||
Mythic | 7.5 | 91.7 | 0.8 | ||||
Ultra | 85.6 | 14.3 | 0.05 | ||||
Super | 77.3 | 22.7 |
On certain days, Light Bulb can be purchased from the Shop.
Note: This table shows the amount of Stars that can be spent. Also, the stars can be awarded through challenges or purchases. For more information, go to this page: Stars
Rarity | Cost |
Legendary | ★ 40 |
Mythic | ★ 1000 |
Ultra | ★ 30000 |
Super | ★ 1500000 |
- Light Bulb's ability makes it more efficient when you're looking to attract a lot of mobs at you, assisted with builds like a burst one, an Egg build, a ramming build and et cetera. Mainly, all builds that can efficiently counter swarms of mobs constantly being sent to your location, as Bulb will make sure to constantly pull mobs towards you. As such, Bulbs serve to try to get drops of an specific petal in masses, or drops of multiple petals in a very big number.
- Bulb can be effectively be used as Uranium, except that it doesn't damage you or other enemies, which means that you won't damage anything by using this petal, however, on the other side, you won't suffer any damage yourself, thus not requiring Lotus and healing petals for the strategy to work. All that is needed is caution with the swarms of mobs you may aggro.
- If you're attempting to farm with Bulb, remember to not get heavily swarmed by mobs (or attract any mobs to you in general) if you can't handle them. Sometimes, it's better to use Uranium (if you can handle its self-poison damage) as you'll at least somewhat counterattack the mobs, specially when mobs can often get stuck in walls and stationary mobs, causing Bulb to be pretty ineffective.
- Bulb's best synergies are AFK Egg farming with either Ant Eggs or Beetle Eggs, and either solo or with a Squad. Bulb will pull all mobs towards the user's location, while Eggs do all of the work for them. A Squad means that more players will use more Eggs to deal more damage at more mobs at once, which further improves petal farming on any zones, such as the Bee zone in Garden.
- There are two mobs that are eligible for dropping Light Bulb, those being Moth and Firefly. Although they have the same drop rates compared to each other, each have their own unique advantages and disadvantages.
- Fireflies are notably weaker than Moths, which would mean that they are easier to kill. However, they are not to be underestimated, as not only they're quick, but also, if they happen to ram you, they'll release lightning discharges, doing a decently high amount of damage to you. Also, specially in deeper areas of Jungle (like the Mythic+ mob arena), the game will constantly send you a barrage of mobs to constantly annoy you.
- Moths, unlike any other mob in the game, will attempt to run away from you once you hit them (negative behavior) instead of chasing you. They will make you run quite a lot, unless you either manage to damage it enough (with burst petals like Claw, Dice and Stinger under their special circumstances), corner it or slow it down with Pincer.
- It should generally be easier to farm in Jungle (despite its reputation as a bullet hell place once you go deeper into the area) than in Sewers, specially for each area's Mythic spawns and Ultra mob chamber. Flies, Roaches and Spiders can be really annoying, and Flies will constantly aggro on you and attempt to attack you. In Jungle, although Fireflies, Mantises and Wasps are abundant, one can counter them with more facility with petals like Claw, Plank or ranged petals. Thus, obtaining Light Bulb from Fireflies is generally the better choice, specially when they drop Battery and Wing, which are petals famous for their utilities in the game (not to forget Fireflies have the same drop rates of Moth, plus the capacity to drop Battery).
- Light Bulb is an useful tool in the Bee and Ladybug zones of Garden, as one can use it to constantly lure Bees, Bumble Bees, Spiders (for Bee zone), Baby Ants, Hornets and Ladybugs (for Ladybug zone) of Mythic rarity that frequently spawn there. It also takes only some adequate petals of that same Mythic rarity to defeat even swarms of them, though don't overwork yourself, and also note that those places are pretty populated, so you'll have some competition on farming.
- Bulb should be discarded or heavily supported in zones such as the Spiral zone, where there's a high density of mobs wandering around it, which will heavily outclass you and prove luring them useless unless you can handle lots of them at once.
- Light Bulb would be useful for pulling out Desert mobs, specially Desert Centipedes, who are usually hard to catch if you don't hit them. It could backfire on you, as Beetles are strong and a bit faster than you, Desert Centipedes are quick and can surround you, and Scorpions can get generally dangerous, but if you bring proper counters (for example, Lotus to counter the Scorpion's poisonous stingers or Pincer to counter Beetle and Desert Centipede's speed), the Bulb can make for a great farming tool in certain zones, like Mythic mob corridor, Legendary mob chamber and corridor and other places.
- Bulb is inefficient in farming Fire Ant Burrows, unless its Soldier Fire Ants are already scattered around the map, as the Burrows will only pop the Soldier Fire Ants when you're close enough, and the Soldier Fire Ants will already be aggroed on you, rendering them useless. Light Bulbs will also be useless against Sandstorms, as they won't aggro on you due to their non-sentient status, meaning that you still have to attack them with normal petals.
- On the Ultra mob corridor passage and the Ultra mob chamber, Light Bulb strategies should either be heavily supported or discarded due to the sheer strength of those mobs. The Mythic mob corridor sections that surround the Ultra mob corridor passage will also need to be watched out due to its kind of narrow size.
- Light Bulb is a massive help in Yggdrasil hunt, as its aggro draw will allow you to pull Shiny Ladybugs with more facility for a chance to get them. Mythic and above Shiny Ladybugs are guaranteed to drop Yggdrasil, but Legendary Shiny Ladybugs cab also be considered, as their drop rate of Legendary Yggdrasil is 9.8%, which is a pretty high number, specially when compared to other statistics in the game.
- Light Bulb strategies in Ocean can be the same strategies of previous zones. However, it should be noted that, besides the high density of mobs that can easily overwhelm you (specially in later zones such as Crab Kingdom and Ocean Maze/Trench), Jellyfish and Leeches naturally have a big aggro range, which means that Bulb will barely be of use here unless you use multiple of them (which is impractical, specially since Jellyfish and Leeches need special care due to their dangerous traits).
- Bubble mobs and Sponge mobs, as non-sentient beings, cannot be pulled, as such, ranged petals, Uranium or engaging in close combat are the only ways to efficiently farm them.
- Crabs, Shell mobs and Starfish mobs can be pulled and countered using more generic strategies. However, one should be careful about each mob's specific traits: Crabs will circle you and then begin dashing at you, requiring extra care, while Shell mobs also dash (albeit in a different manner) and Super Shells can shoot pearls at you, and finally, Starfish mobs may regenerate HP too fast for you to handle even if pulling with a Bulb (as Dandelion is the only petal that can both stop its retreat mechanic and its HPr).
- Light Bulb strategies in Jungle are mostly similar to the strategies found in zones that precede it, specially on the Legendary mob pond and the Mythic and Ultra mob chambers.
- Leafbugs, Mantises and Wasps need to be watched out, as, since the Armor statistic of Leafbugs can make them pretty tough to take out, as well as since Mantises and Wasps tend to not miss their shots (plus, Mantises can debuff your Armor statistic with each pea projectile hit), they can spell trouble on your run, specially if they're constantly being pulled out by the Light Bulb.
- Fireflies, while they can release lightning discharges when rammed, are weak and surprisingly slow, letting you pull and farm them without much trouble. Similarly, Evil Centipedes are weak and not that fast either, unless they manage to surround you or block your passage/escape pathway.
- If you're inside a Termite Mound, Light Bulb can help aggroing all Termites inside to quickly kill them at the same time (due to their Psyonic Connection), as well as to help you in searching for the last Termites in the Mound after killing a lot of them. Just be careful to not get swarmed or cornered by them, as their Psyonic Connection can let them take more individual damage at once before they are killed.
- Light Bulb's ability will be more of a downside than an upside, as all mobs have a pretty big aggro range, as well as their abilities could majorly hurt you (Hel Beetle's teleports, Hel Spider's speed and poison damage and Hel Wasp's barrage of missiles). Hel Centipedes are the weakest of the bunch, but they still have speed and big aggro range, so take note of that.
- Bulb still has some utility in Hel, as they can pull Gamblers with more facility towards your position, letting you take them down for their good petals and good drop rates. Just be careful about the other mobs you'll aggro in the process.
PvP: Using[]
- Although they are sentient beings, flowers are truly alive beings controlled by real-life players, as opposed to any other entities being an NPC (Non-Playable Character), which means Bulb will have no special abilities to use against a flower. This applies even when the flower visually looks like a Gambler (due to the usage of Corruption).
- While the fact above is completely true, you can create a barrage of Hel mobs (mainly Hel Wasps as they don't try to ram you) to protect you from other flowers, effectively creating an extra layer of protection. However, you have to beware of all of the other Hel mobs, as well as the barrage of missiles the Hel Wasps themselves will send you.
PvP: Against[]
- The biggest pro of fighting a Light Bulb user is that this is a waste of a petal slot on you. Bulb has weak damage and similar weak Health Points, as well as having no effect on enemy flowers, as they can't pull entities controlled by real-life players (even when said flower visually matches a Gambler due to Corruption). Bulb can be directly targeted to create a dent on the player's defenses and to deal massive damage to its user.
- The player should be careful if a Bulb user created a shield of Hel Wasps, as that will be an extra layer of protection. However, it isn't that worrying, because the player will constantly aggro the other Hel mobs, and the Hel Wasps' missiles might also help in posing a threat to the Light Bulb user itself.
Ant Hell
- Bulb's pulling strategies will greatly benefit from being in all Ant Hells, as, while it can't pull Ant Egg mobs, Fire Ant Eggs or Termite Eggs, it can pull all of the other Ants (including the Ant Hell bosses) with the added bonus of every one of them being weak, so you won't have a tough time in defeating them.
- While it can't pull all types of Ant Eggs as presented above, Light Bulb can still be used in said strategies to pull the Ants/Termites around the Ant/Termite Eggs, specially if the zone being farmed on spawns either Legendary or Mythic Ant/Termite Eggs, which are surrounded by Ants/Termites of majorly the same rarity of them.
- Using Light Bulbs can also be of use when fighting Queen Ants and Queen Fire Ant, as pulling them to yourself can let you deal more damage to them at once, which increases your chances of looting it, or even pulling the Soldier Ants/Soldier Fire Ants they respectively spawn for a chance to get a lot of Clovers and [[Glass] (Soldier Ant) or Privet and Yucca (Soldier Fire Ant). However, it's useless against Termite Overminds, as it's slow and doesn't spawn anything to aid itself in fights.
- Sewers passages are very narrow and highly populated with a lot of mobs everywhere, which can easily swarm you, corner you and kill you altogether. You must work around the area's own limitations in order to efficiently use Light Bulb.
- As for the mobs themselves, Light Bulb will be a major hazard, as Roaches are extremely quick when at full health, causing them to practically instantly damage you and quickly kill you once aggroed unless you manage to mitigate and work around its massive speed with Pincer or burst petals like the Stinger. Flies can be equally as deadly, as, together, their movement speed, swarming capabilities, decent HP and damage, evasion chance and movement pattern can spell a lot of trouble to you.
- Light Bulb is only useful in the Ultra mob chamber of this zone, as it's the widest area present, as well as other players supporting you and high rarity mobs.
- Many people use common bulb in sewers to agro moths
- Light Bulb's damage value is always half of its health value.
- Bulb seems to be shining yellow, indicating that it's an incandescent bulb.
- Mobs are attracted to Bulb's light. This is a reference to real life, where light bulbs are known for attracting real-life insects (because they are attracted by light, and light bulbs shine a very strong light) especially moths, flies, beetles and mosquitoes.
- Bulb, Honey, Poo and Uranium are the only petals to work around the aggro mechanic. Only Bulb and Poo change it.
- Bulb and Uranium attract mobs towards you, while Honey attracts mobs towards the petal (only while it's on the ground).
- Bulb essentially functions like an inverse version of Poo: Bulb increases your aggro range, while Poo decreases it.
- Bulb emits a yellow glow around itself, similar to Uranium's green glow. Those glow effects match with those petals' respective main colors (yellow and green).
- Since the petal gallery of mobs, the inventory and the Crafting UI are based on the alphabetical order of each petal's displayed name, Bulb is the first petal whose name is shortened in the order of petals (from Light Bulb to simply Bulb). However, based on the true alphabetical order of the petals' names (which organizes petals based on their extended name), Ant Egg (to simply Egg), Beetle Egg (also to simply Egg) and Blood Stinger (to simply Stinger) all come before Light Bulb.
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