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The Lightning is a petal in florr.io. Whenever it strikes an entity, the petal releases a lightning discharge that damages several nearby enemies in a chain, while also briefly stunning them completely. The Lightning is dropped by Jellyfish.


The Lightning looks like a small light blue star, with 10 pointy edges evenly distributed around itself.


Note: The "A + B" respawn format means that the petal takes A seconds to respawn and B seconds after respawning to do its special action/have its special action enabled.

Petal Stats
Rarity Obtainable? Health Respawn Lightning Bounces
Common No 20 2.5 seconds 12 2
Unusual Yes 60 36 3
Rare 180 108 4
Epic 540 324 5
Legendary 1620 972 6
Mythic 4860 2916 7
Ultra 14580 8748 8
Super 43740 26244 9
Unique 131220 78732 10

The Lightning activates upon contact with enemy mobs or flowers. Once activated, the Lightning discharges a lightning bolt which can bounce to nearby enemies up to the indicated number of times by the bounce stat, damaging every entity struck by the lightning in the process. All entities struck by it have their velocity set to 0 for an instant. Lightnings actually do not activate on contact with projectiles such as missiles.



Mob Rarity Unusual Rare Epic Legendary Mythic Ultra
Common 10.1
Unusual 34.8
Rare 88.3 10.3
Epic 19.7 72.7 7.6
Legendary 20.7 76.3 3.1
Mythic 21.2 78.3 0.5
Ultra 91.1 8.9 0.03
Super 85.7 14.3


On certain days, Lightning can be purchased in the Shop.

Note: This table shows the amount of Stars that can be spent. Also, the stars can be awarded through challenges or purchases. For more information, go to this page: Stars

Petal Price
Rarity Cost
Legendary ★ 60
Mythic ★ 1500
Ultra ★ 45000
Super ★ 2250000


  • Lightning is a pretty decent overall petal that you could use in a lot of moments. Usually, you'll find yourself swarmed by many mobs at once, and they could be very close to each other, which means Lightning will strike several of them at once and help you killing every mob in said swarm.
  • Lightning has a slightly larger hitbox than most petals, allowing it to actually be a good defense against projectiles. This has proven effective against Ultra and Mythic Scorpions, though it has yet to be tested on Hornet missiles and Mantis peas.
  • Any given primary zone also has mobs with multiple segments, letting Lightning damage all of them at once.


  • Lightning's performance in Garden may or may not be hurt by Hornets. Their projectiles don't activate the Lightning's ability at all.
  • Lightning is most useful against Ant Holes and Centipedes as the multiple Ants or multiple Centipedes will cause the discharges to bounce among each other, thus damaging them all at once.
  • Lightning could also somewhat help against Super Rocks as the petal might chain on all of the spawned mini Rocks.


  • Lightning is a middle ground petal: while it does help you chaining against the multiple mobs chasing you, Beetles and Desert Centipedes are speedy (and faster than you) which means you have to use something else to keep them away at all costs.
  • The Lightning isn't affected by the double damage of the Soldier Fire Ants from a Fire Ant Burrow, because it's weak and its damage output (lightning discharges) is independent of the petal's HP.
  • Be cautious with Scorpions. On top of their general dangers, their stingers don't activate the Lightning, making it pretty useless.


  • Lightning is ambiguous here as well. Swarms will usually form, however, the mobs are quite strong here, specially Starfish with their HP regen ability (which requires Dandelion).
  • Leeches will take multiple damage from Lightning if they happen to be long, as long Leeches are considered Centipede-like segments composing the mob.
  • Lightnings can be pretty useful for damaging Bubbles close to each other, specially since they're weak.


  • Jellyfish are annoying due to their own electrical discharges. Rubber or outhealing them is recommended.
  • Salt can also help damaging back the Jellyfish once they start discharging you.
  • Running and using ranged petals like Missile will let you damage them without suffering from their discharges.

Ant Hell

  • Lightning is pretty good on all Ant Hells, as their chaining characteristic can easily damage all clumped Ants, Fire Ants, Termites (dealing more damage to all of them at once) and even Eggs, since they will be close to each other pretty frequently.
  • Lightning is also good against Queen Ants and Queen Fire Ants as it not only damages the boss itself, but also its spawned minions (and other nearby Ants).



  • The Lightning is decent against players, but remember it won't connect to the player if it hits a petal and/or projectile.
  • Lightning is pretty ambiguous against Rubber: while it doesn't bounce the user, the petal will absorb damage taken from it (unless the Lightning deals damage above what Rubber can absorb). Choose another petal over this against Rubber users.
  • A Lightning user actually won't have to worry about aggroing mobs to itself: all mobs are aggressive and their aggro ranges are pretty big.
  • All Hel mobs should have their base versions' strategies considered (like how Hel Wasp projectiles won't activate the Lightning). Gamblers can be considered enemy flowers, specially with their own petal usage.


  • Rubber won't make you bounce with each Lightning hit, but it will absorb damage dealt to you.
  • Salt will deal some damage back at the flower who discharged their Lightning onto you.
  • Using ranged petals like the Missile will help you deal damage to the Lightning user without risking getting hit by it.
  • Overall, consider fighting Lightning users like fighting Jellyfish who can't discharge at you from a range.


  • Lightning will chain on multiple mobs as well as Evil Centipedes. They should be considered despite their inability to activate against Mantis and Wasp projectiles.
  • The Leafbug's Armor can't affect the Lightning's discharges (or lightning/poison in general). This is a key point in Lightning's usefulness in here as well as having an easier time dealing with its Armor.


  • It's pretty easy for Sewers to have frequently clumped up mobs. This means that Lightning will be useful dealing with multiple mobs at once.
  • Using Lightning, however, could turn against you, as you don't want to aggro Roaches without caution. Doing so will likely result in your death.
    • A far less dangerous but more annoying interaction would be aggroing Moths, as they will begin running away from you. This can be countered with cornering them, using Bulb or speeding petals like Bubble.



  • At one point. Lightning was proximity-activated and would strike several nearby enemies by itself without contact needed.
    • Later it was changed to only activating when destroyed, including when projectile and enemy flower’s petals hit it. Eventually this function was removed to only when hitting a mob or enemy flower.
  • The petal used to have only 1 health, similarly to Bubble, however, it was soon changed to have health so it is stronger against a single enemy, and to compensate for the removal of activation when destroyed.
  • Even though it is able to do damage, Lightning has no damage stat. The damage it does is caused by a special stat, named "Lightning". This means that Lightning cannot actually damage projectiles.
  • Lightning's hitbox is unusually big, similar to Ankh.
  • The Lightning, the Mjolnir and the Battery are the only three petals who can release lightning discharges. They also have to be activated on specific circumstances and only damage mobs and enemy flowers.
  • The Lighting's shape is similar to the Bur petal, however, the latter is a circle with round edges, and the former is a pointy star.
  • The Lightning is also similar to Lotus in appearance, however, it has 10 sharp edges as opposed to 8, and it's cyan-colored instead of purple.
Air (Common) Amulet (Common) Ankh (Common) Antennae (Rare) Basic (Common) Basil (Mythic) Battery (Common) Blueberries (Common) Bone (Common) Bubble (Common) Magic Bubble (Common) Bulb (Common) Bur (Common) Cactus (Common) Magic Cactus (Common) Card (Rare) Common Carrot Poker Chip (Common) Claw (Common) Clover (Common) Coin (Common) Compass (Ultra) Coral (Common) Corn (Common) Corruption (Ultra) Cotton (Common) Magic Cotton (Common) Cutter (Common) Dahlia (Unusual) Dandelion (Unusual) Dice (Common) Disc (Common) Ant Egg (Common) Beetle Egg (Common) Fang (Unusual) Faster (Common) Fragment (Mythic) Glass (Common) Grapes (Common) Heavy (Rare) Honey (Rare) Iris (Unusual) Jelly (Common) Leaf (Unusual) Magic Leaf (Unusual) Light (Common) Lightning (Unusual) Lotus (Common) Magic Eye (Mythic) Magnet (Rare) Mark (Common) Mimic (Ultra) Missile (Unusual) Magic Missile (Unusual) Mecha Missile (Mythic) Mjolnir (Unique) Moon Rock (Ultra) Nazar Amulet (Common) Orange (Unusual) Mana Orb (Common) Pearl (Unusual) Peas (Common) Pincer (Unusual) Plank (Common) Pollen (Unusual) Poo (Unusual) Mysterious Powder (Rare) Privet Berry (Unusual) Relic (Unusual) Rice (Common) Rock (Common) Root (Common) Rose (Common) Rubber (Common) Salt (Unusual) Sand (Common) Shell (Common) Shovel (Common) Soil (Common) Sponge (Unusual) Square (Common) Starfish (Unusual) Mysterious Stick (Epic) Magic Stick (Epic) Stinger (Common) Blood Stinger (Common) Magic Stinger (Common) Talisman (Common) Third Eye (Mythic) Tomato (Common) Uranium (Rare) Web (Unusual) Wing (Common) Yggdrasil (Legendary) Yin Yang (Rare) Yucca (Unusual)