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Mysterious Powder, shortened in-game to Powder is a petal in florr.io. It increases your movement speed, and stops working when destroyed. The Powder is dropped from Desert Centipedes.


Powder looks like a white splatter of paint. On the map screen, it animates and shifts around like it’s being blown apart.


Petal Stats
Rarity Obtainable? Health Respawn Speed Maximum Mob Rarity
Common No 10 3.5 seconds +25% Common
Unusual 30 +50%
Rare Yes 90 +75%
Epic 270 +100% Unusual
Legendary 810 +125% Rare
Mythic 2430 +150% Epic
Ultra 7290 +175% Legendary
Super 21870 +200% Mythic
Unique 65610 +225%

The powder will give you more speed. The speed bonus does not stack with other Powders. It destroys itself when you approach a mob with a rarity higher than the powder rarity minus 2 or when you take damage.


Centipede (Desert)[]

Mob Rarity Rare Epic Legendary Mythic Ultra
Rare 3.5
Epic 39.2 2.6
Legendary 59.1 39.9 1.0
Mythic 59.6 40.2 0.2
Ultra 96.9 3.0 0.01
Super 95.0 5.0


On certain days, the petal can be purchased in the Shop.

Note: This table shows the amount of Stars that can be spent. Also, the stars can be awarded through challenges or purchases. For more information, go to this page: Stars

Petal Price
Rarity Cost
Legendary ★ 40
Mythic ★ 1000
Ultra ★ 30000
Super ★ 1500000


Powder is intended for fast travel between different maps, with Bubbles being an alternative.


  • They are useful for progressing through the map without having to deal with low rarity swarms.
  • Powder can be used to escape mythic hornet swarms or spiders once you get far away enough from them.


  • Be careful when you accidentally ram into a Beetle or a Sandstorm.
  • Beetles are tanky and move slightly faster than the player, so use Ultra or Super Powder when farming Legendary and Mythic Beetles, especially in Desert 5.
  • High-rarity Powder can help with dodging Scorpion pincers and beetle ram.
  • Powder can be used with bubbles to escape High-rarity Centipedes.


  • Jelyfish will constantly disable your Powder.
  • High-rarity Powder is good for fighting Crabs since it can help with dodging their attacks.
  • Can be used to find Ultra or Super Bubbles more effectively, with no fear of ramming as powder will deactivate.



  • You will be constantly slowed down by surrounding mobs unless you are using Ultra+ Powder.
    • If you have Ultra+ Powder equipped and use a bubbling build, bubble users without Powder will struggle to reach you.


  • You will likely not be able to kill someone who has Ultra+ Powder, without having this petal equipped in your inventory.
  • Use Uranium's AoE effect to disable the Powder user's Powder from a distance, but equip lotuses too.



  • Powder used to increase movement speed less than it does now, but it wouldn't be destroyed upon walking near a mob of a certain rarity or higher.
  • Around 1/7/2024, Powder's effect was buffed up to +100% and will be destroyed if you approach a mob of the same rarity as your Powder: it was then buffed a day later by increasing the buff for each rarity.
  • Powders used to decrease your maximum health.
  • Super Powder's max mob rarity used to be Legendary, but it was buffed to Mythic.
Air (Common) Amulet (Common) Ankh (Common) Antennae (Rare) Basic (Common) Basil (Mythic) Battery (Common) Blueberries (Common) Bone (Common) Bubble (Common) Magic Bubble (Common) Bulb (Common) Bur (Common) Cactus (Common) Magic Cactus (Common) Card (Rare) Common Carrot Poker Chip (Common) Claw (Common) Clover (Common) Coin (Common) Compass (Ultra) Coral (Common) Corn (Common) Corruption (Ultra) Cotton (Common) Magic Cotton (Common) Cutter (Common) Dahlia (Unusual) Dandelion (Unusual) Dice (Common) Disc (Common) Ant Egg (Common) Beetle Egg (Common) Fang (Unusual) Faster (Common) Fragment (Mythic) Glass (Common) Grapes (Common) Heavy (Rare) Honey (Rare) Iris (Unusual) Jelly (Common) Leaf (Unusual) Magic Leaf (Unusual) Light (Common) Lightning (Unusual) Lotus (Common) Magic Eye (Mythic) Magnet (Rare) Mark (Common) Mimic (Ultra) Missile (Unusual) Magic Missile (Unusual) Mecha Missile (Mythic) Mjolnir (Unique) Moon Rock (Ultra) Nazar Amulet (Common) Orange (Unusual) Mana Orb (Common) Pearl (Unusual) Peas (Common) Pincer (Unusual) Plank (Common) Pollen (Unusual) Poo (Unusual) Mysterious Powder (Rare) Privet Berry (Unusual) Relic (Unusual) Rice (Common) Rock (Common) Root (Common) Rose (Common) Rubber (Common) Salt (Unusual) Sand (Common) Shell (Common) Shovel (Common) Soil (Common) Sponge (Unusual) Square (Common) Starfish (Unusual) Mysterious Stick (Epic) Magic Stick (Epic) Stinger (Common) Blood Stinger (Common) Magic Stinger (Common) Talisman (Common) Third Eye (Mythic) Tomato (Common) Uranium (Rare) Web (Unusual) Wing (Common) Yggdrasil (Legendary) Yin Yang (Rare) Yucca (Unusual)