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Florr.io Community Wiki

Pincer is a petal in florr.io. It heavily reduces movement speed of mobs and flowers, similar to Web, and deals some poison damage.


The Pincer looks like a black semicircle, but curved like a sickle, and looks like a burnt boomerang.


Petal Stats
Rarity Obtainable? Damage Health Poison Dmg Poison DPS Duration Respawn
Common No 5 5 15 10 dmg/s 0.8s 2.5s
Unusual Yes 15 15 45 30 dmg/s
Rare 45 45 135 90 dmg/s
Epic 135 135 405 270 dmg/s
Legendary 405 405 1215 810 dmg/s
Mythic 1215 1215 3645 2430 dmg/s
Ultra 3645 3645 10935 7290 dmg/s
Super 10935 10935 32805 21870 dmg/s
Unique 32805 32805 98415 65610 dmg/s

Note: Common Pincers do not drop.

Upon contact, poisons the enemy and slows them down by 80%. The slowdown effect does not stack with other Pincers.

The enemy will take the amount of damage shown by the petal's poison stat at a rate determined by the poison's DPS.

Poison does not stack. Applying more poison before prior poison has ended will reset the poison value to either the current one or the one of the petal that hit it, whichever is higher. It will not add poison onto the pre-existing value.



Mob Rarity Unusual Rare Epic Legendary Mythic Ultra
Common 16.4
Unusual 51.2
Rare 83.4 16,5
Epic 6.7 81.0 12.3
Legendary 7.2 87.7 5.0
Mythic 7.5 91.7 0.8
Ultra 85.6 14.3 0.05
Super 77.3 22.7


On certain days, the petal can be purchased in the Shop.

Note: This table shows the amount of Stars that can be spent. Also, the stars can be awarded through challenges or purchases. For more information, go to this page: Stars

Petal Price
Rarity Cost
Legendary ★ 40
Mythic ★ 1000
Ultra ★ 30000
Super ★ 1500000


Pincer's poison effect is unremarkable, being outclassed by the Iris, although it does have a faster respawn. Pincer's main use is as a slowdown petal, hindering an enemy's advance. The pincer has the strongest slowdown in the game, leaving enemies wide open for attack. However, it can't affect multiple targets at once like the Web.

Pincers are best used against legendary and mythic mobs, giving players more time to attack it while dealing decent damage. Be aware of sudden changes in speed if using this petal. Combining it with webs can be helpful in grinding the enemy to a halt.


  • Since webs are useless against Spiders, pincers are the best way to slow down an advancing spider. However, it should not be used against a horde, but rather saved for high rarity spiders which are hard to kill.
  • It is not that useful against Hornets since they rely on projectiles.
  • Can be useful for attacking bees to stop them from touching you


  • The pincer is useful against all of the desert's most dangerous mobs since they all rely on body damage. It's best used against high rarities in conjunction with Webs to cripple them.


  • The pincer is ironically useful against the Crab. Their unpredictability is lessened with a hefty slowdown from the pincer.
  • For Starfish, the poison can temporarily hinder the mob's health regen ability.
  • It's not useful against Jellyfish due to their ranged attack.


  • Pincers can severely slow down flowers leaving them more vulnerable. However, it doesn't slow down petal rotation like the old Honey, so attackers need to be wary of the opponent's petals, since the player can still extend and detract petals.
  • It is useful when fleeing since the user won't have to worry too much about counterattacks. It'll not only slow the opponent down but cause them to take poison damage, which usually causes them to back off.
  • The Pincer + Iris combo is incredibly deadly. The pincer slows opponents down, and the Iris deals a lot of poison damage, usually allowing the opponent to be an easy target unless they use a healing build.


  • Pincers can be used to make sure the beetles don't touch you. They still teleport though.
  • It is advised to use at least 2 pincers (this is for around the leg/mythic rarity)


Air (Common) Amulet (Common) Ankh (Common) Antennae (Rare) Basic (Common) Basil (Mythic) Battery (Common) Blueberries (Common) Bone (Common) Bubble (Common) Magic Bubble (Common) Bulb (Common) Bur (Common) Cactus (Common) Magic Cactus (Common) Card (Rare) Common Carrot Poker Chip (Common) Claw (Common) Clover (Common) Coin (Common) Compass (Ultra) Coral (Common) Corn (Common) Corruption (Ultra) Cotton (Common) Magic Cotton (Common) Cutter (Common) Dahlia (Unusual) Dandelion (Unusual) Dice (Common) Disc (Common) Ant Egg (Common) Beetle Egg (Common) Fang (Unusual) Faster (Common) Fragment (Mythic) Glass (Common) Grapes (Common) Heavy (Rare) Honey (Rare) Iris (Unusual) Jelly (Common) Leaf (Unusual) Magic Leaf (Unusual) Light (Common) Lightning (Unusual) Lotus (Common) Magic Eye (Mythic) Magnet (Rare) Mark (Common) Mimic (Ultra) Missile (Unusual) Magic Missile (Unusual) Mecha Missile (Mythic) Mjolnir (Unique) Moon Rock (Ultra) Nazar Amulet (Common) Orange (Unusual) Mana Orb (Common) Pearl (Unusual) Peas (Common) Pincer (Unusual) Plank (Common) Pollen (Unusual) Poo (Unusual) Mysterious Powder (Rare) Privet Berry (Unusual) Relic (Unusual) Rice (Common) Rock (Common) Root (Common) Rose (Common) Rubber (Common) Salt (Unusual) Sand (Common) Shell (Common) Shovel (Common) Soil (Common) Sponge (Unusual) Square (Common) Starfish (Unusual) Mysterious Stick (Epic) Magic Stick (Epic) Stinger (Common) Blood Stinger (Common) Magic Stinger (Common) Talisman (Common) Third Eye (Mythic) Tomato (Common) Uranium (Rare) Web (Unusual) Wing (Common) Yggdrasil (Legendary) Yin Yang (Rare) Yucca (Unusual)