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Florr.io Community Wiki

Rubber is a useful petal that increases the amount of knockback received to the flower and absorbs incoming lightning damage. This petal works even when destroyed.


It is a square with curved sides, resembling a marshmallow. The petal uses the same colors as Basic.


If applicable, include: Note: The "A + B" respawn format means that the petal takes A seconds to respawn and B seconds after respawning to do its special action/have its special action enabled.

Petal Stats
Rarity Obtainable? Damage Health Respawn Knockback
Common Yes 1 HP 30 HP 2.5 seconds +0.3
Unusual 3 HP 90 HP +0.6
Rare 9 HP 270 HP +0.9
Epic 27 HP 810 HP +1.2
Legendary 81 HP 2430 HP +1.5
Mythic 243 HP 7290 HP +1.8
Ultra 729 HP 21870 HP +2.1
Super 2189 HP 65610 HP +2.4
Unique 6561 HP 196830 HP +2.7

It increases the knockback received from all collisions, including player collision and projectile collision, and absorbs lightning damage. It is stackable and will function even when broken.


Termite Mound[]

Mob Rarity Common Unusual Rare Epic Legendary Mythic Ultra
Common 53.9 13.3
Unusual 55.3 43.6
Rare 0.3 86.2 13.5
Epic 11.4 78.6 10.0
Legendary 12.2 83.7 4.1
Mythic 12.6 86.7 0.6
Ultra 88.3 11.6 0.04
Super 81.2 18.6


On certain days, the petal can be purchased in the Shop.

Note: This table shows the amount of Stars that can be spent. Also, the stars can be awarded through challenges or purchases. For more information, go to this page: Stars

Petal Price
Rarity Cost
Legendary ★ 60
Mythic ★ 1500
Ultra ★ 45000
Super ★ 2250000


For obtaining[]

You can obtain this petal at Termite Mounds in the Jungle, or you can go to Ant Hell (Termite)

For using[]

It helps with salting Ultras (Especially Ultra Sandstorm if you have enough health). (Hitting the Ultra and bouncing away to prevent getting shot again.)

It also prevents the player from getting hit twice by the ultra mob. You can also escape crowds fairly easily by phasing through mobs with the help of the petal.

If a speedy Ultra+ mob chases you, you can equip loads of rubber and then run into a player to launch yourself far from the Ultra+ mob without taking damage from the ram.


  • Very useful for escaping missiles.


  • Prevents Beetles from insta-killing the player.
  • An effective petal against Ultra Desert Centipede.


  • Prevents Crabs from insta-killing the player. Useful for escaping swarms.
  • Useful for Jellyfish, especially for swarms in Jellyfish Fields. Combine them with Cotton to become invincible to Jellyfish lightning.


  • Prevents Roaches from insta-killing the player.


  • Helpful in Termite Hell, as they push against each other, and helps to unpin yourself from a swarm of termites.


  • Useful for escaping tough players and spawns. Very helpful for escaping egg and stick users or any type of rammer, especially against battery rammers.
  • Do not use egg/stick or any ram build, and destroy the petal for an easy opening.



  • This is the only petal that increases knockback received.
  • This is the only petal that used to directly reduces lightning damage, but now it was more likely to behave as the same old Magnet (absorbs lightning strike).
  • There used to be a bug where Rubber stopped working when destroyed.
  • Rubber is by far the easiest way to get the achievement Mythic and Ultra Sound Barrier.
  • On an unknown update, if a player collide with another player using Rubber, Rubber won't work.
Air (Common) Amulet (Common) Ankh (Common) Antennae (Rare) Basic (Common) Basil (Mythic) Battery (Common) Blueberries (Common) Bone (Common) Bubble (Common) Magic Bubble (Common) Bulb (Common) Bur (Common) Cactus (Common) Magic Cactus (Common) Card (Rare) Common Carrot Poker Chip (Common) Claw (Common) Clover (Common) Coin (Common) Compass (Ultra) Coral (Common) Corn (Common) Corruption (Ultra) Cotton (Common) Magic Cotton (Common) Cutter (Common) Dahlia (Unusual) Dandelion (Unusual) Dice (Common) Disc (Common) Ant Egg (Common) Beetle Egg (Common) Fang (Unusual) Faster (Common) Fragment (Mythic) Glass (Common) Grapes (Common) Heavy (Rare) Honey (Rare) Iris (Unusual) Jelly (Common) Leaf (Unusual) Magic Leaf (Unusual) Light (Common) Lightning (Unusual) Lotus (Common) Magic Eye (Mythic) Magnet (Rare) Mark (Common) Mimic (Ultra) Missile (Unusual) Magic Missile (Unusual) Mecha Missile (Mythic) Mjolnir (Unique) Moon Rock (Ultra) Nazar Amulet (Common) Orange (Unusual) Mana Orb (Common) Pearl (Unusual) Peas (Common) Pincer (Unusual) Plank (Common) Pollen (Unusual) Poo (Unusual) Mysterious Powder (Rare) Privet Berry (Unusual) Relic (Unusual) Rice (Common) Rock (Common) Root (Common) Rose (Common) Rubber (Common) Salt (Unusual) Sand (Common) Shell (Common) Shovel (Common) Soil (Common) Sponge (Unusual) Square (Common) Starfish (Unusual) Mysterious Stick (Epic) Magic Stick (Epic) Stinger (Common) Blood Stinger (Common) Magic Stinger (Common) Talisman (Common) Third Eye (Mythic) Tomato (Common) Uranium (Rare) Web (Unusual) Wing (Common) Yggdrasil (Legendary) Yin Yang (Rare) Yucca (Unusual)