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Florr.io Community Wiki

For other versions of the Worker Fire Ant, see Worker Ant or Worker Termite.

The Worker Fire Ant is a mob in florr.io. It deals twice the damage of a regular Worker Ant.


A maroon recoloration of its Garden variant.

Stats & Behavior[]

Speed: Slow if ignored. Aggressive if provoked.

Behavior: Passive. Aggressive if attacked.

Mob Stats
Rarity Health Body Damage Armor XP Reward
Common 62.5 20 0.8 1
Unusual 234.375 60 2.4 1
Rare 843.75 180 7.2 4
Epic 3,375 540 21.6 30
Legendary 25,312.5 1,620 64.8 279
Mythic 151,875 4,860 194.4 4.1k
Ultra 1,822,500 14,580 583.2 27.5k
Super 82,012,500 43,740 3.0m

Just like the Worker Ant, it will wander around aimlessly until it is attacked, it will then become aggressive and start chasing the attacker until either, it dies, the attacker dies, or it loses sight of the attacker. Everything down from the health and is the same as the Worker Ant (although the damage is twice as high), so treat this as one when you see it.


The Worker Fire Ant spawns in the Ant Hell zone (the bottom left area), and also outside of it's spawn portal. Common and Unusual Worker Fire Ants can rarely spawn in the egg zone near the main exit portal.



Mob Rarity Unusual Rare Epic Legendary Mythic Ultra
Common 10.1
Unusual 34.8
Rare 88.3 10.3
Epic 19.7 72.7 7.6
Legendary 20.7 76.3 3.1
Mythic 21.2 78.3 0.5
Ultra 91.1 8.9 0.03
Super 85.7 14.3


Mob Rarity Common Unusual Rare Epic Legendary Mythic Ultra
Common 45.5 10.1
Unusual 61.3 34.8
Rare 1.4 88.3 10.3
Epic 19.7 72.7 7.6
Legendary 20.7 76.3 3.1
Mythic 21.2 78.3 0.5
Ultra 91.1 8.9 0.03
Super 85.7 14.3


Avoid attacking it unless you want Corn. If you do attack it, it's generally easy to just move around in a circle and kill it just like the other ants. Make sure that you don't get surrounded into the wall.


  • Common Worker Fire Ant used to be incredibly rare during the World Map era.
  • Super Worker Fire Ant is one of the rarest mobs in the game.
Garden Common egg Ant Hole (Common) Baby Ant (Common) Bee (Common) Bumble Bee (Common) Centipede (Head) (Common) Dandelion (Mob) (Common) Digger (Common) Hornet (Common) Ladybug (Common) Worker Ant (Common) Queen Ant (Common) Rock (Mob) (Common) Soldier Ant (Common) Spider (Common)
Desert Fire Ant Egg (Unusual) Fire Ant Burrow (Unusual) Baby Fire Ant (Unusual) Beetle (Unusual) Nazar Beetle (Unusual) Sandstorm (Unusual) Desert Centipede (Head) (Unusual) Digger (Unusual) Scorpion (Unusual) Ladybug (Desert) (Unusual) Worker Fire Ant (Unusual) Queen Fire Ant (Unusual) Cactus (Mob) (Unusual) Soldier Fire Ant (Unusual) Trader (Unusual)
Ocean Bubble (Mob) (Rare) Crab (Rare) Jellyfish (Rare) Leech (Rare) Shell (Mob) (Rare) Sponge (Mob) (Rare) Starfish (Mob) (Rare) Oracle (Rare)
Jungle Termite Egg (Mythic) Termite Mound (Mythic) Baby Termite (Mythic) Firefly (Mythic) Magic Firefly (Mythic) Leafbug (Mythic) Evil Centipede (Head) (Mythic) Mantis (Mythic) Digger (Mythic) Wasp (Mythic) Ladybug (Jungle) (Mythic) Worker Termite (Mythic) Termite Overmind (Mythic) Bush (Mythic) Soldier Termite (Mythic) Target Dummy (Mythic) Titan (Mythic)
Hel Hel Beetle (Legendary) Hel Centipede (Legendary) Hel Spider (Legendary) Hel Wasp (Legendary) Gambler (Legendary)
Sewer Fly (Epic) Moth (Epic) Roach (Epic) Spider (Epic)
Ant Hell Baby Ant (Ultra) Soldier Ant (Ultra) Worker Ant (Ultra) Queen Ant (Ultra) Baby Fire Ant (Ultra) Soldier Fire Ant (Ultra) Worker Fire Ant (Ultra) Queen Fire Ant (Ultra) Baby Termite (Ultra) Soldier Termite (Ultra) Worker Termite (Ultra) Termite Overmind (Ultra) Worm (Ultra) Worm Guts (Ultra)
Battle Ground Mecha Spider (Super) Mecha Wasp (Super) Mech Flower (Super)
Miscellaneous Square (Mob) (Unique)
Removed Acid Bubble Boulder Queen Termite