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Worm guts are mobs that only spawn inside a worm. You are required to attack these mobs in case you were eaten by a Super+ Worm in order to damage the Worm to escape.

Worm guts do not drop any petals and do not show up in the gallery. They are purely correlated to the Worm's health.


Worm guts appear as a light brown, pulsating mass. There is a slightly darker blob that pulsates in the middle.

Stats & Behavior[]

Speed: Stationary

Behavior: Passive


Worm guts spawn in the Worm area, which can only be accessed by being swallowed by a Super+ Worm.


  • Finding Worm guts can be easier by moving around using Bubble, Powder or Magic Bubble while using Antennae.
  • It is recommended to use lots of healing and Basil, or alternatively lots of Lotuses, to overcome the Worm's poison when looking for Worm guts.



  • Worm guts is one of the mobs which can spawn inside another mob, like Soldier Termites inside of a Termite Mound.
  • Worm guts' description is a reference to how it cannot be shown in the Mob Gallery. If you are able to see this text, it is likely you are using a memory edit script, which is against florr.io's terms of service and can get your account banned.
Garden Common egg Ant Hole (Common) Baby Ant (Common) Bee (Common) Bumble Bee (Common) Centipede (Head) (Common) Dandelion (Mob) (Common) Digger (Common) Hornet (Common) Ladybug (Common) Worker Ant (Common) Queen Ant (Common) Rock (Mob) (Common) Soldier Ant (Common) Spider (Common)
Desert Fire Ant Egg (Unusual) Fire Ant Burrow (Unusual) Baby Fire Ant (Unusual) Beetle (Unusual) Nazar Beetle (Unusual) Sandstorm (Unusual) Desert Centipede (Head) (Unusual) Digger (Unusual) Scorpion (Unusual) Ladybug (Desert) (Unusual) Worker Fire Ant (Unusual) Queen Fire Ant (Unusual) Cactus (Mob) (Unusual) Soldier Fire Ant (Unusual) Trader (Unusual)
Ocean Bubble (Mob) (Rare) Crab (Rare) Jellyfish (Rare) Leech (Rare) Shell (Mob) (Rare) Sponge (Mob) (Rare) Starfish (Mob) (Rare) Oracle (Rare)
Jungle Termite Egg (Mythic) Termite Mound (Mythic) Baby Termite (Mythic) Firefly (Mythic) Magic Firefly (Mythic) Leafbug (Mythic) Evil Centipede (Head) (Mythic) Mantis (Mythic) Digger (Mythic) Wasp (Mythic) Ladybug (Jungle) (Mythic) Worker Termite (Mythic) Termite Overmind (Mythic) Bush (Mythic) Soldier Termite (Mythic) Target Dummy (Mythic) Titan (Mythic)
Hel Hel Beetle (Legendary) Hel Centipede (Legendary) Hel Spider (Legendary) Hel Wasp (Legendary) Gambler (Legendary)
Sewer Fly (Epic) Moth (Epic) Roach (Epic) Spider (Epic)
Ant Hell Baby Ant (Ultra) Soldier Ant (Ultra) Worker Ant (Ultra) Queen Ant (Ultra) Baby Fire Ant (Ultra) Soldier Fire Ant (Ultra) Worker Fire Ant (Ultra) Queen Fire Ant (Ultra) Baby Termite (Ultra) Soldier Termite (Ultra) Worker Termite (Ultra) Termite Overmind (Ultra) Worm (Ultra) Worm Guts (Ultra)
Battle Ground Mecha Spider (Super) Mecha Wasp (Super) Mech Flower (Super)
Miscellaneous Square (Mob) (Unique)
Removed Acid Bubble Boulder Queen Termite